Guideline – Prepare and Submit a Proposal


  • After a proposal was created it will be prepared to be sent to the recruiter of the Recruitment request.
  • Preparation includes:
    • Set up the recruitment group of the request, which means determining the group of users that can participate in submitting suitable Candidate proposals for the Recruitment request.
    • Submit Candidate proposals for the Recruitment request.


  • Prepare and send a Candidate proposal for a Recruitment request

    1. Add proposal members to the Recruitment request: you can add members to participate in submitting suitable Candidate proposals for the Recruitment request. You can add members which are:
      • Users belong to your organization
      • Users are professional recruitment partners, Tram Tuyen’s supplier.
    2. Add candidates to a Candidate proposal: only members of the Candidate proposal can add Candidates to the proposal, according to their authority:
      • Each member is only allowed to manage candidates which were added by that member or by that member’s organization.
      • Only the owner of the Recruitment request is allowed to see candidates which were added by members that the owner invited to participate in the request.
      • See Guideline Add candidate profile to a Proposal
    3. Submit Candidate proposals to the Recruiter:
      • Once there are candidates, Candidate proposals can be officially submitted to the Recruiter. To submit a Candidate proposal, select Submit Proposal.
      • Candidate proposals which were submitted before can continue to be added more candidates and updated to the Recruiter. To send updates, select Update Proposal.
  • Track Recruitment status of submitted candidates

    • See Guideline: Track Recruitment status of submitted candidates