Category: Trend

New Decade. Different Recruiting Skills and Tools Required

Over the last five years, we have seen that the top concern of all executives is finding, hiring, and retaining talent. As we approach 2020, company leaders will still lose sleep. Want... Read More

Boomerangs: The Strategic Process of Rehiring Your Former Employees, Part 1

Boomerang efforts have one of the highest ROIs in recruiting. When you take the time to examine the profile of new hires who produce the best on-the-job performance, invariably previous employees returning... Read More

Looking for a Job Has Changed Forever — and Here’s Why

Editor’s Note: For over two decades, John Sullivan has been a consistent contributor to Throughout his 1,024 articles (wow, right?), he has explored trends, challenged conventions, and offered solid advice. Never afraid... Read More

Recruiters Are Lazy

That’s right. I am putting it out there. Recruiters are lazy. My 18 years of experience as both a corporate recruiter and recruiting leader gives me the right to call it as... Read More

Machines or Humans — Who Will Win the Battle for the Future of Recruiting?

Unless you happened to be called Rip van Winkle, it is impossible to have missed the gloomy predictions of many doomsayers that humans are set to be replaced in wholesale numbers by... Read More

How to Onboard Remote Employees

While hiring people with the soft skills and personal traits suitable for remote work is important, you also need a well-orchestrated and comprehensive onboarding process to make sure they can become productive as quickly... Read More

What Recruiting Will Look Like in 2029

We all know that recruiting will not look like it does now in 10 years. But what will it be like? Which skills will be useful, and which ones will be obsolete?... Read More