Category: People Development

Google found its most successful teams have 5 traits in common

Google, despite its penchant for childlike imagery and playful work environments, is a massive global company with 60,000 employees and a market cap of $US500 billion. In order to stay dominant, it... Read More

9 Recruiting Lessons From Santa Claus

If you’re a recruiter celebrating the Christmas season, this may be a slow period for you. But it should also be a time to learn. So why not use any extra time... Read More

How to Onboard Remote Employees

While hiring people with the soft skills and personal traits suitable for remote work is important, you also need a well-orchestrated and comprehensive onboarding process to make sure they can become productive as quickly... Read More

Software Engineers Do Not Leave Their Jobs for the Reason You Think They Do

Why do software engineers leave their jobs? I asked this question in a large Slack group for programmers, and, well, it got a huge response — I think there was a thread... Read More

Top 5 challenges of working remotely & how to overcome them

As a concept, remote work sounds pretty amazing. There are so many benefits—from a flexible schedule to a strong work/life balance, and not to mention the close proximity to your pantry with... Read More

Stop Being Scared of Remote Workers

For many, “telecommuting” is still a dirty word. For all the anxieties surrounding remote work, its potential to empower your workplace cannot be ignored. Ten years ago, the Internet of Things  was... Read More