Talent Pipeline Case Study — Nestlé Purina Reaches an Amazing 43 Percent of Hires

You might be surprised to learn that a talent pipeline strategy can yield a time to fill that can actually be zero days. If you’re not familiar with the concept, a talent... Read More

White-Glove Treatment Guarantees a “Wow” Candidate Experience for Exceptional Applicants

When hiring managers demand that we must land truly exceptional candidates, recruiters need to realize that it takes much more than the standard candidate experience to really wow and excite them. Instead,... Read More

Boomerang Recruiting — Bring Back the Stars Who You Let Get Away

You could reduce the pain from today’s record turnover by getting some of your very best to return. And that’s often possible because 72 percent of past employees would return to the company if... Read More

Top 5 Reasons Why LinkedIn Profiles Are Superior to Resumes

A fast and simple way to improve both your speed and quality of hire is to use LinkedIn profiles for your initial candidate screening. They are superior at this first assessment stage... Read More

Do You Know That You Are Part of the Golden Age of Recruiting?

This “think piece” is designed to stimulate your thinking about the tremendous progress that the recruiting profession has made   Few in recruiting realize that we are now experiencing The Golden Age... Read More

Ghosting — Prevent Candidates Who Accept Your Offer From Disappearing

Ghosting in business is getting worse. The Washington Post reports that there was a 10- 20 percent increase in ghosting over the past year. The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago for the first time... Read More

Powerful Deal Closers — When You Positively Must Land a Candidate

There are few things more frustrating to a hiring manager or recruiter than having an in-demand top candidate who you have fought hard to sell reject your offer at the last minute.... Read More

Collaborative Recruiting — Making ‘Every Employee a Recruiter’ Improves Hiring Results

Top firms use collaborative recruiting because it “turns every employee into a recruiter” and a brand ambassador. Expanding involvement also improves hiring results and lightens recruiter workloads. If you haven’t heard about... Read More