Guideline – Create Talent Profile


  • TALEHU allows to create and manage profile for candidate and employee
  • There are many ways to create Profile
    • Create a Profile from scratch: create only one profile
    • Create a list of Profile: create many profile as a list at the same time
    • Import a file of Profile list in Excel format: allow to import a list of Talent including basic or extended information in the form provided by TALEHU
  • Note: Only account with Business Membership is able to create and manage Employee profile


  • Create Candidate Profile

    1. Go to Dashboard, select Create Profile
    2. Select Create a New Profile
    3. Select Create Profile to create profile
    4. After a Profile was created, user can start setting up the following information such as: Attached Profile file, Access rights or Visibility, Skills, Experience, Education and Certificate
  • Import a file of Candidate Profile in Excel format