Guideline: How to run a Referral Program

Firstly, there are two types of referral programs:

  • Employee Referral which aims at your employees as the referrer.
  • Candidate Referral: aims at external people as referrer

How to run a Employee Referral program

  • In the Request screen, choose Employee Referral box, and click Add Employee Referral Program
  • Enter necessary data for the program such as: deadline, reward, time…

How to run a Candidate Referral program

  • In the Request screen, choose Candidate Referral box, and click Add Employee Referral Program
  • Enter necessary data for the program such as: deadline, reward, time…
  • Identify the scope you want the program to target:
    • Job Board: Your program will be showed in Job Board where everyone can join
    • Specific Partner: specify the partners you want to receive the invitation to join the program